Friday, October 24, 2008

Whether Rain, Wind, Snow.. Gunfire..

I came across this today and thought it was quite interesting - especially given the fact that I worked as a paramedic in Harvey from 1998-2000. Good to see that some things never change...

From the Chicago Tribune:

Under the eyes of a police officer, a U.S. postal carrier returned today to her route in a south suburban Harvey neighborhood that has gone without door-to-door delivery since the carrier had to evade gunfire two weeks ago.
The Harvey officer stood watch nearby as the carrier handed mail to residents, some of whom were frustrated they hadn't received mail since service was discontinued.

Postal service officials said today they are considering putting one central mailbox pick-up location on the block and eliminating door-to-door service. Residents would use a key to open their mailbox at a station with several boxes similar to one at an apartment complex, said Jose Aguilar, a spokesman for the United States Postal Service.

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Aguilar said a central mailbox would be safer for the carrier and more efficient because the route can take as long as 45 minutes to complete.

"Our concern is for the safety of the carrier," Aguilar said.

The police escort was requested to protect the unidentified mail carrier so that delivery could resume to about 52 households.

One resident, Jobonna Brantley, 18, of the 15200 block of Marshfield Avenue, said it was difficult going to the post office to pick up her mail because she doesn't have a car.

"I'm angry. It's crazy because we couldn't get our LINK cards or checks. We had to walk to the post office everyday," Brantley said.

The Harvey Post Office suspended delivery Oct. 9 after the carrier reported to her supervisors that she was caught in gun crossfire as she walked her route. The carrier said someone in a vehicle began shooting at someone on the block as she walked the area of 151st Street and Marshfield Avenue.

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