Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

As you may know, I spent New Years 2006 freezing in Times Square with half a million of my closest friends.

After vowing to never freeze on New Years again, I spent New Years 2007 on the Copa Cabana beach in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil. There, along with 85 degree weather, and 3 million of my closest friends, I sported the traditional white wardrobe and rang in the New Year Brazilian style.

This year, continuing on the warm New Years' trend, I will be enjoying the New Year down in beautiful sunny Mexico. But do not worry, my friends Hope and Change are here enjoying the warm 80 degree weather with me!

Can we ring in the New Year in style? YES WE CAN.

I hope you enjoy your New Years bash wherever you are and best wishes to you and yours this upcoming year.



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