Friday, February 13, 2009

The Stimulus Has Passed

Senators Snowe, Collins and Specter sell out the GOP to allow the Democrats to pass the stimulus bill. The bill now goes to President Obama for signature. Not one Republican voted for the bill in the house - and only 3 Republicans voted for the bill in the Senate. Not quite the bi-partisan spirit that President Obama had hoped for.

The bill, which was about 1,100 pages was released last night around 11pm ET.

How much is a trillion dollars? are some things we could do with a trillion dollars:

Everyone knows the automakers are struggling, and we all know that
families are too. Solution: Use the 1 trillion to purchase 43 million
2009 Chevy Malibus. This would mean that one out of every seven
Americans would receive a brand new 2009 Malibu.
Assumption: Based on 23,000 per Malibu

Obesity in America is on the rise, health experts often claim that obesity causes Americans to spent more on health care than they would if they were fit and healthy. With $1 trillion we could provide every American a 6 year gym membership.
Assumption: Using national average of 50 dollars a month for a gym membership.

We could purchase 83,333,333,333 Dominos pepperoni pizzas – which equates to 275 Cheese Pizzas for every American.
Assumption: 12 dollar Dominos pepperoni pizza

It would take a military jet flying at the speed of sound, reeling out
a roll of dollar bills behind it, 14 years before it reeled out one
trillion dollar bills.

The House voted on the bill around 9am this morning. Below is Republican Leader Boehner talking about how ridiculous it is to vote on a bill which no one has had a chance to read.



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