Monday, March 2, 2009

Global Warming Protest - Today in DC

Several inches of snow will be the backdrop in Washington, D.C. today for what could be the largest ever U.S. protest of global warming.

The nation’s capital, along with other eastern U.S. cities, closed schools and businesses Monday after being hit by a major winter storm Sunday night. First Lady Michelle Obama cancelled her “Read Across America” event “due to inclement weather,” the White House said.

Nonetheless, PowerShift '09 organizers expect thousands to protest global warming outside a southeast Washington, DC coal burning power plant starting at 11:30am E.T. Capital Power Plant provides heating and cooling to Congressional buildings, the Library of Congress and the Supreme Court.
Maybe they should have picked a better day for this protest, ha ha
Complete Story
Props to MatthewLundh - for Pic



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