Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Hello from IBIZA, SPAIN

Hello from Ibiza! This was written on Monday the 20th of July

We made it! Internet is spotty – so stay tuned for future updates.

Got in on Monday around noon – hopped a cab at the airport and headed for the hotel. 20 Euros later, here we are! The hotel has two pools and is located in between two beaches – BEACH NAMES

Today we went south – to the BEACH NAME. Beautiful day today – high in the 80s. We ate lunch at a little boardwalk right on the beach. 2 Barcardi Breezers and 2 'Kermit the Frog' drinks – as well as a Chicken Kabob, mozz and tomatoes, and a chicken sandwich. Not bad for 32 Euro.

We then continued to head south. We went to the famous Bora Bora beach club. It was not hopping like we thought it would be. Later we found out that noise ordinances prohibit the beach bars from playing music until 4:30pm – so that explains it.

One interesting fact, many of the places here do not take credit card – most of Ibiza, especially on the beach is a cash-only operation. That made things a little difficult today – so we spent the afternoon tracking down an ATM – which are not as common as you would think they would be. Eventually, after 3 attempts, we were able to secure some Euros! We then went and purchased some beach towels – 2 for 12 Euro – what a bargain.

After grabbing some money, we headed back to the hotel. We hit up a supermarket on the way, and grabbed some diet coke, water, beer – the necessities. I still have the Makers Mark from Duty Free – so I will probably tap into that sometime in the near future.

Back at the hotel, we hung out around the pool and caught the last few rays of the day. Then we headed up for a quick nap. It is now 9:30 pm local time and we are getting ready to head out to PRIVILEGE, the biggest club in the WORLD! Tonights DJ is Tiesto – so I am really looking forward to that.

Tomorrow we will be off exploring – perhaps maybe renting a motor scooter and touring around the island a bit.

Privilege was a great club, HUGE – over 12,000 people jam packed inside. Unfortunately, they do not allow cameras inside the club – although plenty of people snuck them in. That was bogus – and is mentioned no where until you show up at the door and they pat you down. Then, if they find your camera, you have to go to their gift shop and pay 4 Euro to 'rent a locker'. Such a scam!

Privilege had a big pool in the center of the club, with the DJ booth suspended above it. Very cool. We ended up heading down to Ibiza and drinking a little bit at a bar before heading out - they had a free shuttle so it worked out great. The funny thing is that the club is quite a bit of a walk from the bus drop off point – down a long windy and dark road – that does not have much of a sidewalk. Cars and taxis are constantly buzzing passed – it was kind of scary. The girls in their going out clothes and shoes also did not seem to enjoy that experience.

Got to the club about 1am and stayed until 5am. Tiesto came on around 2 or so. Amazing – all of a sudden a new DJ booth appeared out of no where – the entire back wall opened up and there he was, complete with his own lights – in fact he never used the 'house lights' at all – it was all his own amazing light show.

The pool provided water for this amazing waterfall – basically it would start pouring rain above the pool, and then a laser light show would be projected onto the water fall. Unfortunately many of the clubbers also took the opportunity to shower themselves off – they would jump on the rain and stick their head or arm or whatever body part would reach and get SOAKED. Since we were standing on the rail, every time the waterfall would go on we would get soaked from 'friendly fire'.



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