Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Chicago Blackhawk's Star Spangled Banner - Patriotism Questioned

I do not know if you have seen this, but this kind of makes me sick.
Some NHL Blogger named Rob Otto is calling the Chicago Blackhawk's
Star-Spangled Banner disrespectful. Having had the honor of attending
several Blackhawk's games throughout my life, I could not DISagree
Here are some excerpts from his article:

Chicago Blackhawks' National Anthem tradition has to go
By Rob Otto
March 08, 2010, 11:20AM

Listening to the Red Wings-Blackhawks pregame on Sunday reminded me of
one of the most awful traditions in sports.
Jim Cornelison belted out his wonderful, booming rendition of the
Star-Spangled Banner.
The crowd yelled, screamed and clapped through the entire thing.

And it makes my skin crawl every time I hear it.
I grew up in a military family. My father was a Commander in the
United States Coast Guard and he taught me a deep love of our country,
and respect for our flag. That includes standing during the National
Anthem with my right hand over my heart and singing the words.

I understand it is a very difficult song, and many Americans feel
embarrassed to sing it in public. However, if you're not singing you
should at least stand in silent reverence until it is completed.

The Chicago fans are doing the exact opposite.
Their argument is that they are being more patriotic -- that yelling
and screaming makes them a part of the anthem instead of just being a
silent bystander. I am not buying it.

I understand that the screaming at the United Center is tradition, but
not all traditions are right.

Remember what the fans used to yell at Yost Ice Arena? Obscenities
abounded in the chants, especially when an opposing player was sent to
the penalty box.
It was tradition. It was just the fans getting into the game. But for
the parents who brought their kids to the game, it was awful.
Complaints abounded and the higher-ups at U-M heard them. The athletic
department finally eliminated that particular tradition. Somehow the
world kept rotating. Fans kept coming and enjoying themselves. Yost
is still a difficult place to play for any opposing team.

It's the same thing that has to happen in Chicago and every other city
where our National Anthem is being disrespected.

Complete Article -


My response to Rob Otto, here watch this clip of the opening to the
1991 All Star Game - at the Old Chicago Stadium. You tell me if this
is 'disrespectful'.

Andrew Roszak

Posted via email from Andrew Roszak



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