Tuesday, July 8, 2008

An Interesting Day

Today was off to an interesting start. To start things off, I had a 8:30 Breakfast meeting and a 12:00 noon lunch meeting - So I was wondering how best to plan my eating schedule today - as it turned out it worked out fine and moderation is key.

On the way to the lobby this morning the elevator stopped at the 9th floor – a 40-50 year old woman pulling a wheely bag got on. I smiled and wished her a good morning. This is a fairly uncommon practice as it seems that most people in DC do not talk to the other people on the elevator – I am continuing to attempt to break this trend, after all these people are my ‘neighbors’.

When I got to the lobby I took my laundry to the front desk for the laundry service to pick up - our laundry comes on Tuesdays and Thursdays - or so I thought. When I attempted to give my laundry to the front desk they looked at me like I was crazy - and promptly said that laundry is on Monday and Thursday. Since when I asked - oh since last Thursday - July 3rd. Oh my well how was I to know?! Apparently they switched laundry providers this week but didn't bother to notify anyone. Odd. There was additional confusion because I had taken a few wire shirt hangers and hung up my dirty clothes on them – in an attempt to ‘be green’ and recycle the old wire hangers instead of just throwing them away. The lady at the front desk was somehow convinced that I was giving her clean laundry. I finally asked her –lady why would I give you CLEAN laundry – that doesn’t make any sense… Oh well..

Anyways I make my way to the Metro and miss the first train by mere seconds – thanks to a woman who was in front of me with a HUGE bag. As I am standing waiting for the next train the lady from the elevator (with the wheely bag) walks by and next thing I know I hear a large thud – a very large thud considering I heard it over my iPod. The poor lady had slipped and fallen on the Metro platform and her bag went spewing away from her - luckily she was okay and the bag didn’t fall off the platform. I raced over to help her and see if she was okay. She was – and we jumped on the train and went on our merry way.

When I reached Dupont Circle – I was rocking to my iPod – as I was going up the escalator I heard this terrible noise – I turned off the iPod and realized it was people playing Cannon by Pachelbel - oh my only in DC – see video below.

After our first meeting, we Metro’d back to Union Station. During this process we began to ponder what the Capital of Pennsylvania was – Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Hershey, Erie etc… Hmm I wished my little sister was there because I knew that she would have known immediately. So we finally get on the Metro and all of a sudden this announcer comes on – and he sounds British. (See video Below) I was wondering – what is going on here, is this some type of job-swap with the folks from the Underground or what… I was honestly waiting for him to call out Piccadilly Circus as the next stop. I have often pondered what it would be like to be a Metro driver – I think I would make up different voices just to goof around – one day I am British, the next day I am Eric Cartman. Oh my… Quite a Day

Well that is all for now – and just in case you are wondering – the Capital of Pennsylvania is Harrisburg.

1 Comment:

heidi said...

dont lie you were just recording that blonde across from you!


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