Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Wasabi and Finger Clippings

We shall start with the Finger Clippings... As you may or may not know, the mass transit system here in DC, WMATA, or METRO does not allow food or drinks on any of the subway trains, stations, or buses - if you get caught it is a $100 dollar fine.

So today, while I was on the metro a metro employee came walking by and proceeded to stand by the doors of the train. Then he took out his key ring from his pocket and began clipping his nails.. not just one NAIL as in a hang nail but ALL of his fingers.. all ten of them... and just let the clippings fall to the floor... So apparently eating and drinking are not allowed, but citizens and visitors of DC feel free to CLIP AWAY...

The good news, today I ate at Wasabi, the 'Americanized Japanese' place... The neat thing.. they have a conveyer belt that the sushi/food goes around on - when you see something you want you simply grab it off the line... Hmm.. wonder if that idea could work in a bar setting...

If you don't get the visual - then check out this video I took...



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