Saturday, May 30, 2009

Idiot of the Week: DC Councilman Jim Graham - Wants to Combat Crime by Banning Late Night Pizza Slice Sales

A Washington, DC councilman is drafting legislation that would ban the late-night sale of single slices of pizza as a way to combat crime.

Democrat Party councilman Jim Graham says the late-night “Jumbo Slice” pizza shacks operating on the popular Adams Morgan club and bar strip in Ward 1 attract the element that is likely to commit crime.

“Even though it’s a legal business and everything, they have become a nuisance,” Graham said. “Behaving the way they do in terms of music, in terms of letting people hang out and also in terms of tolerating a certain level of violence.”

*-* Really? Is this really what we expect from our elected officials. Get a life, pal. Whats next, banning sidewalks? After all, that is where people walk after the bars close and that is where most of the fights happen. Go buy a clue, pal. This guy needs to be voted out ASAP.

Story from WTOP News



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