Sunday, May 3, 2009

Race For Hope - The Fight Against Brain Tumors - Video of David Cook #DC #Idol

Despite the rain, around 9,000 people turned out today at 8:30am for the Race for Hope to fight brain tumors. The 5k walk began at 14th and Pennsylvania continued down Pennsylvania to the Capitol and back.

At the end of the walk a rally was held and American Idol winner David Cook was the keynote speaker (seen above). David told the crowd that he was a strong supporter of the cause, and then revealed that his brother died from a brain tumor. "Like everybody here, I am affected by this disease, I actually lost my brother yesterday to a brain tumor. I couldn't imagine being anywhere else right now." David concluded his remarks by saying "I will be here every year that they will have me."

The 12th annual walk raised over 2 million dollars this year, way up from their initial walk which raised 175,000.



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