Friday, April 9, 2010

Diplomat Breaks the Law - Jokes about Blowing Up Plane, Yet USA is Racist

I love how this jackass breaks the law by smoking in the bathroom, and
then says he was trying to light his shoes on fire.. yet the United
States, and in particular the Air Marshals, are racist because the guy
is an Arab.
No dumbass, it is not because you are Arab, it is because you were
smoking in the bathroom and then joking that you were going to blow up
the plane....................

Washington Post story:

Mohammed al-Madadi boarded a flight from Washington to Denver on
Wednesday afternoon, a junior diplomat from Qatar on a routine
assignment to visit a Qatari citizen in a U.S. prison. United Airlines
Flight 663 passed uneventfully until Madadi stepped out of the

A flight attendant smelled smoke and confronted Madadi, 27, who joked
that he "was trying to light my shoes on fire" to mask the smell of
the bathroom before proceeding to his seat, U.S. law enforcement
officials said. The attendant challenged Madadi again, one of the
officials said, and notified the air marshals on the plane when he
declined a request to hand over his lighter.

That is when Madadi's business trip to Denver started to become a
minor international incident.

The marshals talked to Madadi briefly, confined him to his seat, and
activated a national alert system for all planes in flight through the
pilot. Fighter jets were scrambled, and President Obama was warned
about a possible terrorist threat.

After questioning Madadi on the ground and finding no explosives,
authorities said there had been no offense beyond illegal smoking, a
charge from which he is immune because of his diplomatic status.
Officials said he had been smoking a small pipe in the plane's

As Madadi was returning to Washington on Thursday, accompanied by
embassy staff members, the State Department made it clear to the
Qatari government that it would declare him persona non grata and
expel him if Qatar did not remove him. U.S. officials said Qatar, one
of the closest U.S. allies in the Persian Gulf region, will send him

As word of Madadi's fate traveled quickly through Washington's
diplomatic community, the reaction at Arab and Muslim embassies was
twofold. There was widespread agreement that Madadi appeared to have
done a dumb thing. But many think that profiling was involved, and
that the situation would not have gone so far if Madadi were not Arab.
One of his colleagues was more blunt, saying that the incident "never
would have happened if [Madadi] were Swedish."

Washington Post Article

Posted via email from Andrew Roszak



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