Thursday, January 29, 2009

Blagojevich Removed From Office By Illinois State Senate

Without a dissenting vote, the Illinois State Senate found
Rod R. Blagojevich guilty of abuse of his office. He was the
eighth governor in United States history to be removed, and
the first in 21 years.

Change has Certainly Come to the White House

WASHINGTON — The capital flew into a bit of a tizzy when, on his first full day in the White House, President Obama was photographed in the Oval Office without his suit jacket. There was, however, a logical explanation: Mr. Obama, who hates the cold, had cranked up the thermostat.

Thus did an ironclad rule of the George W. Bush administration — coat and tie in the Oval Office at all times — fall by the wayside, only the first of many signs that a more informal culture is growing up in the White House under new management. Mr. Obama promised to bring change to Washington and he has — not just in substance, but in presidential style.

Although his presidency is barely a week old, some of Mr. Obama’s work habits are already becoming clear. He shows up at the Oval Office shortly before 9 in the morning, roughly two hours later than his early-to-bed, early-to-rise predecessor. Mr. Obama likes to have his workout — weights and cardio — first thing in the morning, at 6:45. (Mr. Bush slipped away to exercise midday.)

He reads several papers, eats breakfast with his family and helps pack his daughters, Malia, 10, and Sasha, 7, off to school before making the 30-second commute downstairs — a definite perk for a man trying to balance work and family life. He eats dinner with his family, then often returns to work; aides have seen him in the Oval Office as late as 10 p.m., reading briefing papers for the next day.

“Even as he is sober about these challenges, I have never seen him happier,” Mr. Axelrod said. “The chance to be under the same roof with his kids, essentially to live over the store, to be able to see them whenever he wants, to wake up with them, have breakfast and dinner with them — that has made him a very happy man.”

In the West Wing, Mr. Obama is a bit of a wanderer. When Mr. Bush wanted to see a member of his staff, the aide was summoned to the Oval Office. But Mr. Obama tends to roam the halls; one day last week, he turned up in the office of his press secretary, Robert Gibbs, who was in the unfortunate position of having his feet up on the desk when the boss walked in.

“Wow, Gibbs,” the press secretary recalls the president saying. “Just got here and you already have your feet up.” Mr. Gibbs scrambled to stand up, surprising Mr. Obama, who is not yet accustomed to having people rise when he enters a room.

Complete Story

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Obama Visits the Capitol as DC Gets First Snow of Season

President Obama visited the Hill today to meet with GOP leaders regarding the stimulus plan. Here you can see his motorcade patiently waiting outside the Capitol. Today was the first snowfall of the season for the District.

More Pictures Here

The Trial Continues...

Obama motorcade prepares to leave the hill

Femtocells for Everyone!

What is a femtocell you may ask? Well a femtocell is the up and coming thing for cell phone companies. In what can only be described as an effort to get you to move away from your landline based phone, cell phone companies Verizon and Sprint are offering femtocells. Femtocells connect to your broadband internet provider and then act as a mini-cell tower inside your home. Most of the femtocells can handle up to 4 phone calls at once, and can cover an area of about 5,000 square feet. No more - can you hear me now - when you are at home. Look for AT&T to unveil a 3G femtocell later this year. Verizon currently charges $249 per femtocell with no monthly fees (as opposed to Sprint who charges an extra 5 dollars a month).

To read more about femtocells click here

Monday, January 26, 2009

White House E-Mail System Goes Down

White House E-Mail System Goes Down
By Michael D. Shear
It's more than five hours and counting now since the entire White House e-mail system went down.

Press Secretary Robert Gibbs announced the technical snafu at his 1:30 p.m. briefing, apologizing to the media for the e-mail silence this afternoon.

The result is maddening for the new White House team, which already has been frustrated with the archaic communications gear they discovered when they arrived at their offices.

White House aides had just switched over from their transition e-mails this weekend, finally handing out their new, government e-mail addresses when the outage hit.

Both outgoing and incoming mail are out, the result, an aide explained, of an outage with the Outlook server. The aide said the outage goes beyond the press shop. The first lady's office is also without e-mail, as are other offices.

There was no indication when the e-mail service would return. For the moment, the press office is making even more use of the loudspeaker in the briefing room.

And the executive orders that President Obama signed this morning were photocopied and are sitting on a table outside the briefing room.

As to other, more sophisticated communications equipment at the White House -- including systems that might be found in the Situation Room -- an aide said: "We don't comment on security issues."

Blago Media Blitz

Illinois' beleaguered Gov. Rod Blagojevich said today that when he was deciding who would take President Obama's Senate seat he considered appointing talk show queen Oprah Winfrey.

Blagojevich made the revelation to Diane Sawyer on "Good Morning America" on the day his impeachment trial is set to begin. That trial is expected to toss him out of office.

The governor said that Winfrey's name came up as a potential successor to Obama in the Senate.

Blagojevich is slated to appear on "GMA," ABC's "The View," the "Today" show and "Larry King Live" today.

The governor insisted he was innocent but was boycotting his trial because he was not allowed to introduce witnesses like Obama's chief of staff Rahm Emanuel and the president's top adviser Valerie Jarrett.

"I'm talking to Americans to let them know what's happening in the land of Lincoln," Blagojevich said.

When asked whether he had tried to auction off Obama's Senate seat, Blagojevich said, "Absolutely not and I'll have a chance in a criminal case to show my innocence and bring witnesses."

Reminded that many people, including Obama, have called on him to resign and that Mayor Richard Daley even called him "cuckoo," the governor said, "Here's a question I have to you, to Mayor Daley and everyone else: Whatever happened to the presumption of innocence?"

Story with Video

DC Quarter Rolls Out Today

The U.S. Mint will add the Washington, D.C., quarter into general circulation Monday, not as part of the "50 State Quarters Program," but as part of the lesser-known "DC and U.S. Territories Program."

The design on the D.C. quarter features an image of celebrated musician Duke Ellington seated at a piano. Ellington, who was born in D.C. in 1899, beat out Benjamin Banneker, who assisted with the original D.C. boundary survey, and Frederick Douglass, the renowned abolitionist and statesman, for the right to be honored on the District's quarter.

The design of the 2009 coin includes the inscriptions "Duke Ellington" and the District of Columbia's official motto, "Justice For All."

It doesn't feature the inscription "Taxation Without Representation," which was nixed when the quarter was being designed.
The D.C. quarter is the first of six to be put into circulation in 2009.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Daley Knows Best

If Gov. Blagojevich wants to invoke the insanity defense, he won’t get an argument from Mayor Daley.

Daley turned into an amateur psychiatrist Friday when asked about the governor’s claim that the state Senate’s upcoming impeachment trial is a plot to get Blagojevich out of the way to pave the wave for a massive tax increase.

“I’ve said, ‘cuckoo’ once. I’ll say it again: ‘Cuckoo,’ ” the mayor said of the governor’s claim.

That’s the second time in four months that Daley has referred to Illinois’ disgraced governor as “cuckoo.”

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Consolation Prizes for Blocked Ticket Holders

WASHINGTON -- Ticked off ticket holders who didn't get in to see the swearing-in ceremony Tuesday are getting consolation prizes.

Ticket holders who were blocked from entering the swearing-in ceremony will receive commemorative inaugural items, the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies said.

Those with blue, silver and purple tickets who didn't make it in will receive copies of the swearing-in invitation and program; photos of President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden; and a color print of the ceremony, committee spokeswoman Carole Florman said.

People should check the committee's Web site early next week for instructions on how to claim their items.

NC campus cops arrest student in snowball melee

Jan 22 04:09 PM US/Eastern

GREENVILLE, N.C. (AP) - Authorities at a North Carolina college say a huge snowball fight got out of control, forcing campus police to use pepper spray on some students to contain the rowdy crowd.

Police were called to a dormitory at East Carolina University three times Tuesday as hundreds of students pelted each other with snow, The Daily Reflector of Greenville reported. The college is in a part of the state which doesn't get snow often, but a rare storm dropped several inches on campus that day.

Police said some students were getting too aggressive and an officer used pepper spray on a group that rushed officers trying to make an arrest.

Junior Brandon Davis said "it all started in good nature, but then people were throwing them as hard as they could at each other." Junior Matt Lunchick said an officer chased and arrested a student after being hit in the back with a snowball.

Purple Tunnel of Doom

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Wednesday, January 21, 2009 Senator Feinstein Statement on Incidents at 56th Presidential Inaugural Ceremony Washington, DC – U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), chairman of the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies, today issued the following statement in response to reports of incidents which prevented a large number of ticketholders from reaching their designated areas at the 56th Presidential Inaugural Ceremony: Following is Senator Feinstein’s statement:

“I have just spoken with Mark Sullivan, Director of the Secret Service, and I have asked him to convene along with the U.S. Capitol Police, all law enforcement and other parties involved in planning for this Inaugural to conduct a prompt investigation into two serious incidents that have been reported. These reports have prompted great concern by members of the Inaugural Committee, including Senator Bob Bennett, and by Congress in general.

The specific incidents include the report that a decision was made to cut off access to Purple and Blue standing areas, which meant that a large number of ticketholders could not reach their designated areas. I am also aware of the incident involving the 3rd Street Tunnel, where thousands of people were stuck for several hours and apparently without any law enforcement presence. There may have also been other irregularities, but I have heard enough to know that something went wrong and we need to find out what happened. Mr. Sullivan has indicated that he will provide a full report.

I would encourage people who have direct information about these incidents to contact the Secret Service, in addition to contacting the Joint Congressional Committee for Inaugural Ceremonies at”

The 3rd Street Tunnel has now been widely reported as a complete fiasco, where ticket holders were stuck in the tunnel for hours, and denied access to the inauguration.

The tunnel has been dubbed the 'purple tunnel of doom' by ticket holders, a facebook group has even emerged entitled 'survivors of the purple tunnel of doom'.


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Obama Takes Oath, Again


At 735 pm, Roberts administered the oath of office again to Obama in the map room. Robert Gibbs said the White House Counsel, Greg Craig, believes the oath was fine Tuesday, but one word was out of sequence so they did this out of a "an abundance of caution." "We decided it was so much fun..." Obama joked while sitting on a couch. Obama stood and walked over to make small talk with pool as Roberts donned his black robe. "Are you ready to take the oath?" Roberts asked. "I am, and we're going to do it very slowly," Obama replied. Oath took 25 seconds. After a flawless recitation, Roberts smiled and said, "congratulations, again." Obama said, "thank you, sir." Smattering of applause. "All right." Obama said. "The bad news for the pool is there's 12 more balls."

Video of yesterdays blunder,

International Inaugural Coverage

Apparently Sky Italia, an Italian news agency, enjoyed my inauguration coverage. In fact, today they showed a few of my videos on their newscast.

Check out this clip:

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

President Obama

The crowd reacts after Barack Obama is sworn in as our 44th President. There were several (probably a dozen) loud firework type BOOMS after the oath was administered.

Inauguration 2009 - on the street

The Crowd Reacts as President Bush is introduced

Secret Service Police move people back and instruction people not to use any electronics, including cell phones - as they investigate a suspicious package (a brown purse) that was left on the ground.

Protesters at the inauguration - note the heavy guard they have in front of them

Senator Kennedy - Treated by Paramedics at luncheon

Senator Kennedy, who has been fighting brain cancer, was removed from the Inaugural luncheon by paramedics.

Update: 3:10 ET - apparently Senator Kennedy had a seizure.

No further details available.

Waiting in Line - 4am

4am - at the 3rd Street Entrance.


Fwd: BREAKING NEWS ALERT: Person Struck by Gallery Place Metro Train

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From: NBC Washington <>
Date: January 20, 2009 10:04:44 AM EST
To: Andrew 
Subject: BREAKING NEWS ALERT: Person Struck by Gallery Place Metro Train
Reply-To: NBC Washington <>

Person Struck by Gallery Place Metro Train

Metro said a person was struck by a train at the Gallery Place Metro Station. Metro said the person is alive and trapped between the crawl space and the first rail. Gallery Place Red Line traffic is stopped.

Complete details from NBC Washington:


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Made it past the check points!


> I'm at 3rd and Constitution - can see both the parade and the Capitol!

Made it past the check points!

I'm at 3rd and Constitution - can see both the parade and the Capitol!

Massive crowds at 4am

Police struggle to maintain control of crowd in the thousands

Inauguration Day

Good Morning! It is 4am E.T. - I have heard the rumbling sound of helicopters flying overhead all night - I am heading down to the Mall to witness the inauguration - I will try to post pictures/videos soon!

Monday, January 19, 2009

The Capitol on the eve of history

Last Minute Preparations

President Elect Obama's Motorcade

President Elect Obama's Motorcade - on his last night as President Elect

CNN Live - Webcam Interview

Tightened Security - Obama/Biden Dinner

Security is tight in DC - this helicopter is circling over Union Station, where President Elect Obama and VP Elect Biden are having dinner. The helicopter can be seen using its search light to scan the roof tops of nearby buildings

CNN Headline News Interview - Video

CNN Headline Interview

Today, CNN Headline News showed several of my photos and interviewed me regarding the inauguration. Below is my account of life here in D.C. and the inaugural activities.

Yesterday was a little warmer than it was on Friday and Saturday - which was a nice change. I live in DC and have been going down to the mall to document the preparations for the last several days. Yesterday was by far the busiest I have seen it. In fact, a few times during the day I was unable to send/receive emails and text messages on my cellular phone. That was pretty amazing because the cell phone companies have erected several temporary towers throughout the Mall

Overall, the crowd was in a great mood - lots of singing, yelling, and dancing at the concert. There was also a tremendous amount of diversity - and not just racial diversity - people of all ages from throughout the World were here to celebrate. Despite the cold weather, and the enormous amount of people crowded into such a small area, everyone was in a really good mood - strangers helping each other over stairways, taking pictures for each other, it was pretty impressive that with that many people no fights or anything broke out. One onlooker even described it as 'DC's Mardi Gras'!

One thing that struck me - the crowd was generally hooting and hollering all day - making lots of noise and having a great time. That changed when Obama delivered his short, six minute speech. The place was quiet as a church on Sunday - you could hear a pin drop on the Mall.

I live 4 blocks away from the Capitol - so I have been very lucky. I think I am going to go down to the mall for a little bit tomorrow, just to say that I was there. I am not planning on getting up / going down there super early. I will probably head down around 9am or so. Security has increased a lot today - in fact, I now have to show proof of residency just to gain access to my building.

Look for a video to be posted of the complete interview shortly.

Snow for Inauguration?

No Snow as of yet - but this just came across the wire:





Posted 12 Noon on Monday, January 19th

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Vendors at the Inauguration

So, you want to remember this historic inauguration? No problem! Pins, hats, t-shirts, belts, cds, sweatshirts, posters, flags - you name it and it can be yours! Check out these videos I shot featuring the vendors of the inauguration!

More from the Concert

Above: A picture I took of the crowds in front of the Washington Monument
Below: 2 videos: 1 - me walking down the National Mall 2 - The crowd dancing to SHOUT by the Washington Monument

Inauguration Weekend - Saturday - Concert

I headed down to the free concert today (see previous post). The crowd was massive, but everyone was in a friendly mood.
One newsworthy item, my cellular phone, an iphone on the AT&T network, could not connect to data, such as email and websites - I also had a hard time sending text messages. The weather today was warmer than the past two days.

More photos added to the photo album - videos will be posted shortly

Click here for photos

Concert at the Lincoln Memorial

January 18

We Are One: Opening Inaugural Celebration

2:30 p.m. - The Lincoln Memorial

President-elect Barack Obama with the help of an all-star line-up of talent will kick off the inaugural celebration in Washington, D.C., with a free and open event at the Lincoln Memorial, between Constitution Avenue NW and Independence Avenue SW on 23rd Street.

Musical performers scheduled for the event include Beyonce, Mary J. Blige, Bono, Garth Brooks, Sheryl Crow, Renee Fleming, Josh Groban, Herbie Hancock, Heather Headley, John Legend, Jennifer Nettles, John Mellencamp, Usher Raymond IV, Shakira, Bruce Springsteen, James Taylor,, and Stevie Wonder.

Among those reading historical passages will be Jamie Foxx, Martin Luther King III, Queen Latifah and Denzel Washington. The Rt. Reverend V. Gene Robinson will give the invocation. Rob Mathes will be the music director and arranger for the backing band, which will support all of the artists. Additional performers will be announced as they are confirmed.

The Reflecting Pool area, JFK Hockey Fields and Constitution Gardens are open to the public and space will be available on a first-come, first-served basis. Doors open at 8:00 a.m.
I am heading down there - will post pictures soon!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

CNN Radio - Interview

A quick quote from my interview with CNN Radio regarding the inauguration.

My pictures on CNN

I received a call today from CNN, they wanted to know if they could use a few of my inaugural pictures. They wanted to post a few on their website and show a few on the air. Here is a video of them showing my pictures - aired at 8:25 ET on January 17, 2009.

President Elect Obama's Motorcade

President Elect Obama's motorcade - featuring the new limo - en route from Union Station to Blair House.

Inauguration 2009 - T-minus 2 Days

I braved the cold and the crowds today and headed down to the Capitol and the Mall for a while. I received this free poster while I was walking up to the Capitol. About five minutes later, when I was down by the MSNBC broadcast booth, someone pick-pocketed it out of my coat pocket - now that is change you can believe in.

Updated photo album

Friday, January 16, 2009

Inauguration 2009

It has gotten quite cold here in the DC area, the temp today reached a high around 20F. I had a chance to go onto the balcony of the US Capitol this afternoon, where President-Elect Obama will be sworn in as our new President. I will be posting pictures throughout the weekend and throughout the inauguration - you can access them by the link below.

Pictures of the Inauguration

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Inauguration Toliets

'Father of Potty Parity' calls 5,000 johns 'inadequate'
January 13, 2009 - 10:29am

WASHINGTON - The masses heading to the inauguration of President-elect Barack Obama could spend a lot of time in line for a port-a-potty.
A George Washington University law professor says the 5,000 port-o-potties planned for Inauguration Day will be "grossly inadequate."

Professor John Banzhaf, the so-called "Father of Potty Parity" sent a letter to the Presidential Inaugural Committee warning of potential lawsuits.

He says women, who take longer in the restroom, could be forced to wait in longer lines than men, and that amounts to discrimination.

Banzhaf says waiting in long lines is not just an inconvenience. It can trigger medical problems. He's asking the Presidential Inaugural Committee to make the toilets gender-neutral so that women do not have to wait longer than men.

(Copyright 2009 by MetroSource. All Rights Reserved.)

WASHINGTON - The masses heading to the inauguration of President-elect Barack Obama could spend a lot of time in line for a port-a-potty.
A George Washington University law professor says the 5,000 port-o-potties planned for Inauguration Day will be "grossly inadequate."

Professor John Banzhaf, the so-called "Father of Potty Parity" sent a letter to the Presidential Inaugural Committee warning of potential lawsuits.

He says women, who take longer in the restroom, could be forced to wait in longer lines than men, and that amounts to discrimination.

Banzhaf says waiting in long lines is not just an inconvenience. It can trigger medical problems. He's asking the Presidential Inaugural Committee to make the toilets gender-neutral so that women do not have to wait longer than men.

WASHINGTON - Here's a tip for the masses heading to Washington for Barack Obama's inauguration: BYOTP - bring your own toilet paper - and be prepared to hold your breath.

The bathroom facilities being hauled onto the National Mall and along the Pennsylvania Ave. parade route will be functional, but not exactly charmin'.

About 5,000 unheated, unlit, nonflushing "standard" portable toilets are being deployed by inaugural planners for the estimated 4 million folks expected for the historic swearing in.

"Our goal is to make it as enjoyable a day as possible. That means having the resources [portable johns] on hand," said Inaugural Committee spokesman Kevin Griffith.

He said each portable toilet will be "serviced," or bailed out, at least once during the events.

The rule of thumb for the National Park Service is one portable toilet for every 300 people at outdoor events, which would translate into an expected crowd of about 1.5 million.

The largest previous record crowd for an inaugural was believed to be the 1.2 million at the 1965 inauguration of the late President Lyndon B. Johnson.

Most of the 12 museums around the Mall, and their restrooms, also will be open. But the bathrooms on the Metro subway system will be closed.

Some 4,000-5,000 National Guard troops have been assigned to crowd - and porta-john line - control. "We're planning for this to be a very peaceful process," said National Guard Maj. Gen. Errol R. Schwartz.

VIPs will be able to answer nature's call in the lap of luxury compared to the masses. The senators, representatives and lucky ticket-holders permitted inside the tightest security cordon around the Capitol building will have access to portable toilets that are heated and well-lit, have hot and cold running water - and flush.

Complete Story

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Inauguration Information



Parade Route Road Closures and Entry Points Released

(Washington, D.C.) – The United States Secret Service in cooperation with its local, state and federal security, public safety and military partners, has developed an overall security plan for the 56th Presidential Inauguration. Inaugural activities will take place beginning on Saturday, January 17 through Wednesday, January 21, 2009, with the swearing-in ceremony scheduled for Tuesday, January 20.

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has designated the Inaugural as a National Special Security Event (NSSE). When an event is designated an NSSE, the U.S. Secret Service assumes its role as the lead federal agency for the design and implementation of the operational security plan. The Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Police Department (MPD), the U.S. Capitol Police and the U.S. Park Police, as well as a number of other federal and local agencies, will play a critical operational role in securing the Inauguration and resources will be deployed to maintain the necessary level of security.

The following security measures will be in place for the 56th Presidential Inauguration:

Downtown Area Road Closures: A map detailing specific road closures is attached. Beginning at 3 p.m. on Monday, January 19, through 7 a.m. on Wednesday, January 21, vehicle restricted zones will be put in place in downtown. All vehicular road closures in Washington, D.C. will be instituted by the Metropolitan Police Department. Inquiries pertaining to road closures should be directed to the MPD Office of Public Information at (202) 727-4383. Details will also be available online at and at A detailed transportation plan will be released listing additional road closures for Inauguration day.

Security Screenings: All attendees, including general public and ticketed guests, are subject to a thorough security screening before entering the Inaugural parade route, the White House reviewing stand and the Inaugural balls. Please allow for additional time for this security screening, as it is expected that lines may be long.

Prohibited Items: As a security precaution, the following items will be prohibited from the Inaugural parade route, the White House reviewing stand and the Inaugural balls: firearms, ammunition, explosives, weapons of any kind, aerosols, supports for signs and placards, packages, coolers, thermal or glass containers, backpacks, bags exceeding size restrictions (8"x6"x4"), laser pointers, animals other than helper/guide dogs, structures, bicycles and any other items determined to be a potential safety hazard. With respect to signs and placards, items must be made of cardboard, poster board or cloth and have dimensions no greater than three (3) feet in width, 20 feet in length and one-quarter (1/4) inch in thickness. Surrendered items will not be returned, nor available for pick-up.

Parade Route Entry Points: The following 13 public entry points will open at 7:00 a.m. on January 20, 2009, and will remain open until the parade route can no longer accommodate additional people. A map detailing entry point locations is attached.
2nd Street NW and C Street NW
3rd Street NW and C Street NW
Indiana Avenue NW between 6th St NW and 7th St NW
7th Street NW and D Street NW
10th Street NW and E Street NW
12th Street NW and E Street NW
E Street NW just east of 13th Street NW
13th Street NW just North of E Street NW
14th Street NW just North of E Street NW
12th Street NW between Constitution Avenue. and Pennsylvania Avenue
10th Street NW between Constitution Avenue. and Pennsylvania Avenue
7th Street NW between Constitution Avenue. and Pennsylvania Avenue
Constitution Avenue between 6th Street NW and 7th Street NW

NOTE: Access to the parade route from south of Pennsylvania Avenue, including the National Mall area, will only be available via 14th Street NW or 12th Street NW at Constitution Avenue.

All parade route security screening entry points will be able to accommodate persons with disabilities. There are additional screening entry points for the ticketed seating at the U.S. Capitol and the White House viewing areas. Details for the swearing-in at the Capitol are available at

Individuals attending the Inaugural parade may enter at any of the designated entry points on the north or south side of Pennsylvania Avenue. Between 7 a.m. and 1:30 p.m., the following intersections will be open to the general public as crossover points:

3rd Street between Constitution Ave and Pennsylvania Avenue
Pennsylvania Ave between 6th Street NW and 7th Street NW
Pennsylvania Ave between 11th Street NW and 12th Street NW

Air Security: A combined air security plan will be implemented to provide airspace security for the Washington metropolitan area. Enhanced airspace restrictions on general aviation have been released and can be accessed online at the Federal Aviation Administration web page at Pilot inquiries should be directed to 866-598-9522.

Water Security: There will be an enhanced security presence on the waterways around Washington, D.C. Inquires should be directed to the U.S. Coast Guard at 410-576-2693 or via marine band radio VHF channel 16 or the Metropolitan Police Department Harbor Patrol at 202-727-4582.

Obama's New Ride

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Happy New Year!


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