Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Inauguration Toliets

'Father of Potty Parity' calls 5,000 johns 'inadequate'
January 13, 2009 - 10:29am

WASHINGTON - The masses heading to the inauguration of President-elect Barack Obama could spend a lot of time in line for a port-a-potty.
A George Washington University law professor says the 5,000 port-o-potties planned for Inauguration Day will be "grossly inadequate."

Professor John Banzhaf, the so-called "Father of Potty Parity" sent a letter to the Presidential Inaugural Committee warning of potential lawsuits.

He says women, who take longer in the restroom, could be forced to wait in longer lines than men, and that amounts to discrimination.

Banzhaf says waiting in long lines is not just an inconvenience. It can trigger medical problems. He's asking the Presidential Inaugural Committee to make the toilets gender-neutral so that women do not have to wait longer than men.

(Copyright 2009 by MetroSource. All Rights Reserved.)

WASHINGTON - The masses heading to the inauguration of President-elect Barack Obama could spend a lot of time in line for a port-a-potty.
A George Washington University law professor says the 5,000 port-o-potties planned for Inauguration Day will be "grossly inadequate."

Professor John Banzhaf, the so-called "Father of Potty Parity" sent a letter to the Presidential Inaugural Committee warning of potential lawsuits.

He says women, who take longer in the restroom, could be forced to wait in longer lines than men, and that amounts to discrimination.

Banzhaf says waiting in long lines is not just an inconvenience. It can trigger medical problems. He's asking the Presidential Inaugural Committee to make the toilets gender-neutral so that women do not have to wait longer than men.

WASHINGTON - Here's a tip for the masses heading to Washington for Barack Obama's inauguration: BYOTP - bring your own toilet paper - and be prepared to hold your breath.

The bathroom facilities being hauled onto the National Mall and along the Pennsylvania Ave. parade route will be functional, but not exactly charmin'.

About 5,000 unheated, unlit, nonflushing "standard" portable toilets are being deployed by inaugural planners for the estimated 4 million folks expected for the historic swearing in.

"Our goal is to make it as enjoyable a day as possible. That means having the resources [portable johns] on hand," said Inaugural Committee spokesman Kevin Griffith.

He said each portable toilet will be "serviced," or bailed out, at least once during the events.

The rule of thumb for the National Park Service is one portable toilet for every 300 people at outdoor events, which would translate into an expected crowd of about 1.5 million.

The largest previous record crowd for an inaugural was believed to be the 1.2 million at the 1965 inauguration of the late President Lyndon B. Johnson.

Most of the 12 museums around the Mall, and their restrooms, also will be open. But the bathrooms on the Metro subway system will be closed.

Some 4,000-5,000 National Guard troops have been assigned to crowd - and porta-john line - control. "We're planning for this to be a very peaceful process," said National Guard Maj. Gen. Errol R. Schwartz.

VIPs will be able to answer nature's call in the lap of luxury compared to the masses. The senators, representatives and lucky ticket-holders permitted inside the tightest security cordon around the Capitol building will have access to portable toilets that are heated and well-lit, have hot and cold running water - and flush.

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