Monday, January 19, 2009

CNN Headline Interview

Today, CNN Headline News showed several of my photos and interviewed me regarding the inauguration. Below is my account of life here in D.C. and the inaugural activities.

Yesterday was a little warmer than it was on Friday and Saturday - which was a nice change. I live in DC and have been going down to the mall to document the preparations for the last several days. Yesterday was by far the busiest I have seen it. In fact, a few times during the day I was unable to send/receive emails and text messages on my cellular phone. That was pretty amazing because the cell phone companies have erected several temporary towers throughout the Mall

Overall, the crowd was in a great mood - lots of singing, yelling, and dancing at the concert. There was also a tremendous amount of diversity - and not just racial diversity - people of all ages from throughout the World were here to celebrate. Despite the cold weather, and the enormous amount of people crowded into such a small area, everyone was in a really good mood - strangers helping each other over stairways, taking pictures for each other, it was pretty impressive that with that many people no fights or anything broke out. One onlooker even described it as 'DC's Mardi Gras'!

One thing that struck me - the crowd was generally hooting and hollering all day - making lots of noise and having a great time. That changed when Obama delivered his short, six minute speech. The place was quiet as a church on Sunday - you could hear a pin drop on the Mall.

I live 4 blocks away from the Capitol - so I have been very lucky. I think I am going to go down to the mall for a little bit tomorrow, just to say that I was there. I am not planning on getting up / going down there super early. I will probably head down around 9am or so. Security has increased a lot today - in fact, I now have to show proof of residency just to gain access to my building.

Look for a video to be posted of the complete interview shortly.



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