Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Femtocells for Everyone!

What is a femtocell you may ask? Well a femtocell is the up and coming thing for cell phone companies. In what can only be described as an effort to get you to move away from your landline based phone, cell phone companies Verizon and Sprint are offering femtocells. Femtocells connect to your broadband internet provider and then act as a mini-cell tower inside your home. Most of the femtocells can handle up to 4 phone calls at once, and can cover an area of about 5,000 square feet. No more - can you hear me now - when you are at home. Look for AT&T to unveil a 3G femtocell later this year. Verizon currently charges $249 per femtocell with no monthly fees (as opposed to Sprint who charges an extra 5 dollars a month).

To read more about femtocells click here



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