Sunday, June 29, 2008

NASN - Annual Meeting

The Legalities of Automated External Defibrillators - Powerpoint Presentation - Click here to Download

The Legal Implications of Legislatively Mandated Automated External Defibrillators in
Educational Settings - Paper Click Here

Friday, June 27, 2008

What is Law School Like?

I stumbled across these videos the other day - Want to know what law school is really like? These videos sum it up pretty well...

Law School = High School

Law School Gunners

Thursday, June 26, 2008

DC Gun Ban Overturned

I was at the Supreme Court today to hear the verdict - more pictures and a few videos to be posted soon

Supreme Court Strikes Down D.C. Gun Ban, Upholds Individual Right to Keep and Bear Arms

The Supreme Court ruled Thursday that Americans have a right to own guns for self-defense and hunting, the justices' first major pronouncement on gun rights in U.S. history.

The court's 5-4 ruling struck down the District of Columbia's 32-year-old ban on handguns as incompatible with gun rights under the Second Amendment. The decision went further than even the Bush administration wanted, but probably leaves most firearms laws intact.

The court had not conclusively interpreted the Second Amendment since its ratification in 1791. The amendment reads: "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed."

Click here to read the full opinion on the Supreme Court Web Site.

US Supreme Court to Weigh in on Handgun Law

Today the US Supreme Court is expected to weigh in on the controversial DC hand gun ban - the decision is expected at 10am ET - I will be at the Supreme Court anxiously awaiting the decision. More to come.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum

Next up on the stop was the National Air and Space Museum. I only spent about an hour here, but could have easily spent an afternoon looking at all the exhibits.
One of the exhibits I did manage to see was the Wright Brothers exhibit - pictured below is the actual plane that was used by the brothers in 1903.

For More information visit the National Air and Space Museum Website.

Smithsonian Natural History Museum

The Smithsonian Natural History Museum was my second choice - but apparently the American History Museum is closed for renovation until Fall of 2008. The museum was nice - they had a very neat exhibit entitled 'Ocean Views' -

"Ocean Views - The ocean is the very essence of life. All life depends on it, we enjoy it, yet we often understand little about this vast, important environment. This dramatic photographic exhibit will give visitors new insights into ocean life and motivate them to celebrate, embrace, and protect this fragile world. Open from June 11 to October 26, 2008."

So it had only been open for a few weeks - it featured a lot of tremendous underwater pictures from all over the World. Also featured at the museum was the famous Hope Diamond - all 45.52 carats of it!

For more information regarding the HOPE DIAMOND - CLICK HERE.

Smithsonian Folk Life Festival is Here!

While wandering around DC today in between appointments, I stumbled upon the Folk Life Festival. I even took the plunge and tried some authentic Bhutan food - it was very good and sort of similar to Nakey Tshoem (chicken with rice) and some MoMos (pork and cheese filled dumplings - much like the good old Polish perrogis!)

Here is an article about the Folk Life Festival

By BRETT ZONGKER – 3 hours ago

WASHINGTON (AP) — Hundreds of artists, scientists and visitors from three wildly different cultures — Texas, NASA and the isolated Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan — converged Wednesday at the opening of the Smithsonian Folklife Festival on the National Mall.

Bhutanese monks in traditional robes stood in line with tourists and NASA engineers for a taste of Texan cuisine that included steak fajitas and noodles from Houston's Vietnamese community.

"Bhutan and America are indeed two very different nations — different in size, wealth, geography and population," said the 23-year-old Prince of Bhutan, Jigyel Ugyen Wangchuck. "But together, we share common values."

This has been a historic year for the once-reclusive nation of Bhutan, which became the world's newest democracy in March with its first-ever parliamentary elections. Participating in the Smithsonian festival, which draws about 1 million visitors each year, is likely the single-largest presentation of its cultural heritage.

When Smithsonian leaders traveled to Bhutan several years ago to begin planning the exhibit, "Bhutan: Land of the Thunder Dragon," they found the folklife festival was high on the government's agenda, second only to forming a new constitution, said Richard Kurin, the Smithsonian's acting undersecretary for art, history and culture.

"The festival is really an exercise in cultural democracy," Kurin said.

A centerpiece of the festival is a Bhutanese Buddhist Ihakhang (temple) built as a gift of friendship for the people of the United States. The temple, which features intricate carvings and colorful depictions of a dragon, is the largest structure ever built for a festival on the National Mall. After the festival, it will be donated to the University of Texas at El Paso.

Near the temple, monks demonstrate different art forms — from weaving to a unique style of sand painting that uses ground limestone colored with natural pigments.

Dozens of people gathered around soon after the festival's opening as some of the monks answered questions about their lives and artwork.

"This is great, because you get to talk to people firsthand," said Elizabeth Terschuur, 26, a dancer from Baltimore. "I've always wanted to go visit a monastery like that, and to even talk to them about it one-on-one is amazing."

The traditional arts contrast sharply with the high-tech innovations nearby in the NASA exhibit, which celebrates the space agency's 50th anniversary and gives a glimpse of planning for future lunar and Mars missions. While it may seem odd for the folklife festival to feature a government agency, organizers said they have often focused on the cultures of specific occupations, including the White House and the U.S. Forest Service. They said NASA offers many stories and contributions to the wider U.S. culture.

"You're dealing with something that's almost a mythic occupation — exploring the heavens," Kurin said. "If this was another society, you'd be talking about a cult of mystics and oracles."

Astronauts, engineers and even the people who prepare food for space flights are scheduled to speak throughout the festival, which runs through Sunday, takes a break and then opens for its second leg July 2 to July 6.

Finally, the state of Texas is featured specifically for its food, wine and music. Texas Gov. Rick Perry greeted visitors with a hearty "Howdy!" at the festival's opening. He said he was amazed to see some Bhutanese people taking pictures of these "exotic Texans."

The governor, wearing black cowboy boots, noted he had some competition in the footwear category. Bhutan's prince wore brightly colored boots that were ornately embroidered.

"I told his highness backstage that there are very few times in my life that I have ever been outbooted," Perry said, drawing laughs. "But I'm tellin' ya', he even put me to shame today."

* Smithsonian Folklife Festival:

Monday, June 23, 2008

Pot of Gold at the End of the Rainbow

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Unabomber's Shack Now on Display

Friday, June 20, 2008 2:58 AM
By Brett Zongker
Complete Article
The Montana cabin where Unabomber Ted Kaczynski hid is now on display a few blocks from the Washington headquarters of the FBI, which spent 17 years searching for him.

The 10-by-12-foot cabin is on display for the first time in the new exhibit "G-Men and Journalists: Top News Stories of the FBI's First Century," which opens today at the Newseum, a museum about the news.

When FBI agents found Kaczynski, they also found a live bomb in the cabin. Over nearly two decades, his homemade bombs killed three people and injured 23 others. Visitors can look inside the mostly bare cabin and envision the Unabomber sleeping against the wall.

The cabin was stored in an FBI evidence facility after Kaczynski's bombings from 1978 to 1995. Kaczynski is serving a life sentence with no possibility of parole.

The Fight Against Obesity

As Seen in the New York Times -
June 13, 2008
Japan, Seeking Trim Waists, Measures Millions

Two months ago, a new law came into effect in Japan, requiring companies and local governments to measure the waistlines of people between the ages of 40 and 74. The move marks the government’s latest effort to curtail “metabolic syndrome” (or “metabo” as it is colloquially known), a collection of factors including abdominal obesity, high blood pressure, and high blood glucose and cholesterol levels. Metabo has become national shorthand for “overweight.”

The new law mandates limits on waistlines -- 33.5 inches for men and 35.4 inches for women. People exceeding the limit and having a weight-related illness will be given dieting guidance if they do not lose weight within three months of being measured. Companies and local governments that fail to meet specific targets will be fined.

Complete Story Here

BBQ Battle

Today was the official beginning of the two-day BBQ Battle. The BBQ Battle is held on Pennsylvania Avenue - from about 9th street to about 15th street. It is a huge event for BBQ fans and for those seeking free samples. I saw many different BBQ Joints from around the East Coast - from Florida to the Carolinas all the way up to New York.

These joint were of various size, too - I would say the most corporate sponsor was Famous Daves - Most of the lines were crazily long - over an hour wait for BBQ - the lines seemed to coincide with the number of trophys/awards the particular tent had one.

Even the NBA was on hand - offering various competitions and prizes - there was also a bounce house, rock wall, and some other fun kid activities.

I sampled pork sandwiches from two different outfits. Both were okay - but could not compare to the BBQ I had on Beale Street - so for my money, Memphis is still BBQ King. Not a bad day tho - lots of great freebees and 30+ bands to entertain you while you waited.

For the Complete photo album CLICK HERE

Baby When The Lights Go Out

By French Dj David Guetta from his "Pop Life" album last month. It features vocals from Cozi and is called "Baby When The Light". Good stuff here, this would be an interesting on for Kaskade to remix.

Full Throttle Ahead - For Free

As seen in Chinatown, Coca-Cola was on hand giving out free cans of their energy drink, Full Throttle. Not a bad promotion - as for the drink, I have not tried it yet - but will soon....

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Like Father - Like Son?

Apparently great minds think alike - this is the morning of my graduation party - I subsequently changed into a different outfit.

There goes the Tiger..

I have been saying since last weekend that the early return of Tiger Woods was stupid. I could not understand why he was in such a hurry to return to golf - I mean what is he doing? Does he really need the money that bad? Additionally, the media coverage was flat out pathetic - all I heard about was how Tiger was such a hero for playing when he was hurt.. A hero I thought? An idiot - more accurately described my thoughts about it. Well, as it turns out, Tiger was playing with a torn ACL - anterior cruciate ligament. Apparently he also had a double stress fracture of his left tibia, which he new about prior to The Memorial last month. So, end result - he is out for the rest of the 2008 season - a seemingly huge price to pay just so that he could play last weekend. I hope it was worth it.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Firefox 3 is here!

Wow, it is here, and VERY VERY fast! I highly recommend that you get the all new Firefox 3 - it is simply an amazing web browser.

Download it today FREE at

Motorcades and Firetrucks

Today, as I emerged from the Farragut West Metro Station around 4:30pm, I saw my first motorcade speeding down the street. It started out as just one or two police cars, but then after they had past, a line of about 8 police motorcycles came whizzing by - with officers yelling at people to stay to the right. The motorcycles were followed by three long black limos and then about 6 or 7 Suvs, more motorcycles and a few more police cars. The SUVs had more antennas on the roof then you could imagine. Additionally all of the black Suvs had the windows down - with around 5 to 6 men, completely dressed in black all holding firearms. As the person to my right observed, 'wow they all have their hands ON the triggers'. Pretty impressive.

About a half hour later, I was walking down the street and a ton of fire department vehicles came zooming by. Engine companies, truck companies, chief officers, EMS units, and around 2 hazmat units. Everyone on the sidewalk was watching this parade of vehicles go down the street, lights and sirens blaring. Then, suddenly, from one of the side streets a Toyota Prius came zipping along - oblivious to the fact that all of the cars were stopped - even though the light was green. The cars were stopped to let the fire vehicles pass by - well the driver of the prius darted out into the middle of the intersection and was about 1 foot away from being t-boned by a ladder truck before she finally stopped. The sidewalks were filled with people all watching this go down, and all cringing because we could all see the seemingly impending crash. Thankfully the Prius slammed on the brakes, and the ladder truck swerved, and all was well. After the fact the 'audience' on the sidewalk was commenting about how helpless we all felt - and of course speculation about whether the female driver was on the phone or texting followed.

On a good note, I had a great burrito today at California Tortilla - super good food, great value - highly recommended.

Oh what a day.

Sunday, June 15, 2008


As you may know, I have been reading William Shatner's new autobiography. While reading his book, which is quite good, I stumbled across many references to his 'rocket man performance'.. This peaked my curiosity and led me to find this on Youtube - note that Shatner's performance has also been parodied on Family Guy and on Late Night with David Letterman. I must say, this performance is very good and entertaining..

Family Guy Version

Chris Elliot on Letterman Parody

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Elusive Polish Beer

While I was in Poland last month I came to appreciate the great beers Poland has to offer. Upon returning to Chicago it was easy to find Polish beer - after all (outside of Poland) Chicago has the largest population of Poles anywhere in the World! So I researched online today and attempted to find a store in DC where I could obtain some Tyskie. Unfortunately there was not much information on the ole' internet about Polish beer in DC. I did, however, find a site which looks like a lot of fun - Polish Happy - hopefully I will be able to join them for their July meeting.

On my travels I did stumble into a new beer which is very good - especially if you like Blue Moon - it is called Shock Top and it is brewed by the folks at Anheuser-Busch.

I will continue my search for Polish beer, rumor has it that a bar called The Brickseller Inn brags a selection of over 300 beers.... Ah my search continues.. Until then, Na zdrowie! (cheers)

Scientology Protest

Protest spotted today - oh my what would Tom Cruise say??

Friday, June 13, 2008

Bad Weather Continues...

The bad weather continues.. View of the radar in Monticello, Indiana.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Euro 2008

So the Euro 2008 is underway - and I have been fortunate to catch a good number of games so far. Unfortunately, Poland tied 1-1 (I was hoping for a win). But fear not, they play again Monday so maybe they will pull out a win then. My new Samsung has been performing superbly and now that Comcast has finally fixed the HD signal all is well...

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Back home - Finally

After being stuck in Philadelphia for most of the afternoon and night I finally made it home.. Apparently the DC airports were all shut down due to severe weather.. Boy that view never gets old...

So Long Chicago

So Long for now Chicago, but fear not I will be back soon and will be devouring some more great pizza, hot dogs, and Italian beef!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Interesting Foot Rest

Americans overweight? Nah... As seen on the Metra train when leaving Chicago


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