Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Motorcades and Firetrucks

Today, as I emerged from the Farragut West Metro Station around 4:30pm, I saw my first motorcade speeding down the street. It started out as just one or two police cars, but then after they had past, a line of about 8 police motorcycles came whizzing by - with officers yelling at people to stay to the right. The motorcycles were followed by three long black limos and then about 6 or 7 Suvs, more motorcycles and a few more police cars. The SUVs had more antennas on the roof then you could imagine. Additionally all of the black Suvs had the windows down - with around 5 to 6 men, completely dressed in black all holding firearms. As the person to my right observed, 'wow they all have their hands ON the triggers'. Pretty impressive.

About a half hour later, I was walking down the street and a ton of fire department vehicles came zooming by. Engine companies, truck companies, chief officers, EMS units, and around 2 hazmat units. Everyone on the sidewalk was watching this parade of vehicles go down the street, lights and sirens blaring. Then, suddenly, from one of the side streets a Toyota Prius came zipping along - oblivious to the fact that all of the cars were stopped - even though the light was green. The cars were stopped to let the fire vehicles pass by - well the driver of the prius darted out into the middle of the intersection and was about 1 foot away from being t-boned by a ladder truck before she finally stopped. The sidewalks were filled with people all watching this go down, and all cringing because we could all see the seemingly impending crash. Thankfully the Prius slammed on the brakes, and the ladder truck swerved, and all was well. After the fact the 'audience' on the sidewalk was commenting about how helpless we all felt - and of course speculation about whether the female driver was on the phone or texting followed.

On a good note, I had a great burrito today at California Tortilla - super good food, great value - highly recommended.

Oh what a day.



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