Wednesday, June 18, 2008

There goes the Tiger..

I have been saying since last weekend that the early return of Tiger Woods was stupid. I could not understand why he was in such a hurry to return to golf - I mean what is he doing? Does he really need the money that bad? Additionally, the media coverage was flat out pathetic - all I heard about was how Tiger was such a hero for playing when he was hurt.. A hero I thought? An idiot - more accurately described my thoughts about it. Well, as it turns out, Tiger was playing with a torn ACL - anterior cruciate ligament. Apparently he also had a double stress fracture of his left tibia, which he new about prior to The Memorial last month. So, end result - he is out for the rest of the 2008 season - a seemingly huge price to pay just so that he could play last weekend. I hope it was worth it.



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