Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Smithsonian Natural History Museum

The Smithsonian Natural History Museum was my second choice - but apparently the American History Museum is closed for renovation until Fall of 2008. The museum was nice - they had a very neat exhibit entitled 'Ocean Views' -

"Ocean Views - The ocean is the very essence of life. All life depends on it, we enjoy it, yet we often understand little about this vast, important environment. This dramatic photographic exhibit will give visitors new insights into ocean life and motivate them to celebrate, embrace, and protect this fragile world. Open from June 11 to October 26, 2008."

So it had only been open for a few weeks - it featured a lot of tremendous underwater pictures from all over the World. Also featured at the museum was the famous Hope Diamond - all 45.52 carats of it!

For more information regarding the HOPE DIAMOND - CLICK HERE.



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