Tuesday, August 26, 2008

All About Clinton

Senator Clinton gave an incredible speech tonight at the DNC. Incredible in many ways - she highlighted her years of service, her race for the White House, and her passion for healthcare. However what was ALSO incredible was the lack of endorsement for Senator Obama. True, she did mention his name 10 times - but what she did not do is make any observations or provide any details regarding WHY he should be President - except for the fact that he is the DNC nominee.

Nothing about his background, experience, qualifications - not one peep. In fact, Hillary spoke more about Michelle Obama and John McCain than she did Obama. She questioned his ability to lead in the primary race - and did nothing to quell that criticism tonight. Not one line about I have come to know Senator Obama during the past 18 months, and I have developed a great respect and fondness for him. Nada. Wouldn't it have been great if Clinton would have addressed these issues - it would have certainly debunked this new McCain ad:

As long as we are at it, what is with the McCain bashing - 4 more years of the same stuff that we have seen for the past 8 years? Is that really the best the Dems can come up with? Last I checked, McCain routinely broke with the Republicans - why do you think so many Repubs were not happy when he received the nomination. Also, Senator Clinton and Obama are both Senators - if they did not like the past 8 years then why didn't they pass some legislation that would change it? Last time I checked the Democrats controlled Congress. They have over-ridden the President's veto before (the recent Medicare bill comes to mind). So why not pass some legislation dealing with oil prices or health care? The House Republicans stayed in session over the August recess to try to get something done on energy and were ignored. The President can only do so much - nothing was stopping Congress in passing some legislation aimed at lowering gas prices.

Oh my what a night- we will see what happens tomorrow with the roll call vote. Rumor has it that Senator Clinton may attempt to cut short the roll call vote - however many of her supporters are not happy with this plan. They are urging Clinton to let the roll call be fully completed, so that their votes can be counted.



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