Friday, August 8, 2008

Let the Games BEGIN!

What an amazing opening ceremony tonight in China! I have to admit, not much can keep me on my seat glued to the television for almost five hours - but China's take on the Olympics did just that. As I watched the broadcast in high-definition and in Dolby Digital 5.1 surround sound I literally had chills down my spine.

Not only was China's display impressive, but also impressive was the United States athletes, who emerged to thunderous rounds of applause and cheers. I thought seeing President Bush in China supporting the athletes was a very nice touch. As an American I felt proud of my country, and as a human being I felt proud of being part of the the human race - hopefully the spirit of unity will continue the next 16 days but we shall see.. As reported tonight, it looks like the Georgia/Russia situation is growing increasingly tense with each passing hour. Only time will tell.



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