Sunday, August 17, 2008

Candidates Take on Religion

Last night both candidates participated in the Saddleback Civil Forum, hosted by Saddleback Church which is a Southern California mega-church. The candidates were both given an hour and asked essentially identical questions. As a neutral observer, I must say that one candidate clearly out-shined the other.

McCain had clear, concise answers - often quick to answer. Whereas Senator Obama's answers lacked substance and were often non-committal. For instance, when does life begin - McCain - at conception Obama - that is above my pay grade. Further, Rev. Rick asked the candidates to name 3 people that they would rely on in making decisions. McCain came out the gate with 3 right away, whereas Obama rattled off six or seven names. Given all the hype that Obama has been given, I was really expecting him to better articulate where he stood on positions and not be so "campaign stump" sounding.

Now some talking heads were quick to point out that Obama has been on vacation, and off the campaign trial the past week - so he was still in the process of getting back into the game or 'warming up'. However, while it is true that Barack Obama has been on vacation in Hawaii this past week, please do not think that affords him any sympathy in my book. With the economy in the shape that it is currently in, I hope he realizes how privileged he is to not only travel all over the world, but also to have the finances to vacation in Hawaii for a week. I tell you what, this Senate gig must be a pretty good deal. I mean how much have Senators Clinton, Obama, and McCain actually been 'to work' over the past year. I wish my employer gave me unlimited vacation days.

Just as kind of a side note, and I know that I am off-topic here, but with the condition of Senator Kennedy and the absenteeism of Senators Obama, Clinton, and McCain - I have to wonder what the founding fathers would think. If the President is incapacitated, or unable to do his job for whatever reason, there is a strict sound policy of secession. It seems to me that there should be a similar result in the Senate. I mean isn't it kind of absurd that Senator Kennedy is ill, so now Massachusetts losses half of its representation - or Senator Obama is off parading around Europe, so Illinois is only represented by Senator Durbin. Just seems illogical. There should be some kind of alternate system. Why punish the citizens just because their Senator is off running around the world, or deathly ill. Food for thought.

Winner: McCain



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