Sunday, August 24, 2008

Joe Biden (D-Amtrak)

So much for standing for 'CHANGE'. Obama counterdicted his campaign message of CHANGE when he selected Senator Biden to be his VP running mate.

The six-term senator from Delaware, is the the sixth-longest-serving senator. In Senator Biden's freshman senatorial year in 1974, before I was alive, Biden was named as a "Face for the Future" by Time magazine. Surely he is a Washington insider - one who is corrupted by the politics in D.C. - after all MBNA Corporation - the credit card giant (now owned by Bank of America) has contributed more that 214,000 dollars to Mr. Biden. Which is an interesting dynamic considering Senator Obama's tough stance against lobbyists and Obama's vow to target credit card companies if he is elected. Obama has stated that he will set up a five-star rating system and establish a consumer bill of rights to guard against unfair practices by credit card companies.

So Senator Biden - clearly a Washington insider - right?
NOT SO FAST... Enter Amtrak...

Apparently Biden does not have a residence in D.C. Instead, every night he takes an Amtrak train home to Wilmington so that he can eat dinner with his family. Yes, it seems that we will be hearing a lot about the Amtrak train - and how that makes him a regular joe - and not a Washington insider.

"He's not a creature of Washington," stated Linda Douglass, an Obama spokesman. "He's goes home on the train, eats dinner with his family, he's the epitome of a regular guy," she said.

In Springfield, Illinois Obama repeated the talking point stating that, "He never moved to Washington, instead, night after night, week after week, year after year, he returned home to Wilmington on a lonely Amtrak train."

A quick visit to the Amtrak website shows that an Amtrak train from DC to Wilmington takes between 1 hour 10 minutes to 1 hour 35 minutes. The prices for a ticket for coach class ranges from 59 dollars to 129 dollars.

1 Comment:

Attorney in Training said...

I am sure Senator Biden (D-Am.) does NOT take coach. He probably takes business class in the Acela, which costs $125 one way during rush hour between Washington and Wilmington.


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