Sunday, September 28, 2008

Election 2008 - Polish Priorities

Polish News has offered this list of Polish-American priorities for the 2008 election:

- Immigration-law reform enabling Polish immigrants to obtain legal status – permanent residence or US citizenship;

- Ensuring more Federal Government appointments, including cabinet posts, for Polish Americans;

- Vigorous prosecution of anti-Polonism through the creation of a special Polish anti-defamation unit at the US State Department similar to that which now monitors anti-Semitism;

- More student, academic and cultural exchange programs with Poland;

- Increased US military aid for Poland in exchange for its agreement to host parts of the anti-missile shield on Polish territory.

- Increasing business opportunities for Polish companies in the United States;

- Making good on the F-16 offset program, whereby the US pledged to promote investments in Poland in exchange for Poland’s purchase of F-16 jet fighter planes;

- Inclusion of Poland in the visa-waiver program, enabling Poles to visit the US without having to apply for an American visa; the US is now the only NATO country that still discriminates Poles in this way.

I suppose it goes without saying, but the recent actions by Russia have highlighted the need to get the proposed missile defense system in place soon. Now, because of the economy issues facing the USA, it is unclear when and if the proposed missile defense shield will be in place. This is becoming a big issue in Poland, and I will be blogging about it tomorrow.



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