Monday, September 29, 2008

Stay Vigilant!

As of September 30, 2008, the
Current Threat Level is Yellow - Elevated.

Given the current financial crisis facing the nation, I think that the Homeland Security Department should increases the threat level to High or even Severe. The inability of the House of Representatives to pass legislation that would deal with the economy yesterday has left the American economy in a very fragile state.

As all of the major news networks were quick to point out - we have not seen losses on Wall Street of this magnitude sine 9/11. It is a terrifying thought, and one could only imagine, what another terror attack on US soil would do to our economy in its present state.

Therefore, now, more than ever, it is important that law enforcement officials and the general public be vigilant in this time of tough economic uncertainty. Citizens should take notice of their surroundings, and report suspicious items or activities to local authorities immediately.

Hopefully Congress will pass legislation by the end of the week that will help us deal with this economic uncertainty and get our economy back on track. Until then, keep an eye out and pray for our men and women in uniform who risk their own lives protecting us everyday.



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