Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Governator Looks Out for EMS/First Responders

Governor Vetoes 131 Bills, with Hundreds to Go
Schwarzenegger has until Tuesday to decide measures
John Wildermuth
The San Francisco Chronicle
2008 Sept 29

SACRAMENTO -- Facing a Tuesday night deadline, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger continued to work his way through a stack of legislation on his desk Sunday, vetoing twice as many measures as he signed.

The governor vetoed 131 bills Sunday, bringing his total for 2008 to 278. With 341 bills remaining to be dealt with, Schwarzenegger has a good chance of surpassing the 311 vetoes he handed out in 2004.

The 61 bills Schwarzenegger signed Sunday included:
AB2737, by Assemblyman Mike Feuer, D-Los Angeles, which allows a court to order blood to be withdrawn involuntarily from anyone arrested who has exposed police officers, firefighters or emergencymedical personnel to blood or bodily fluids.

This is very important since the federal protection for EMS and first responders were stripped from the Ryan White Act in 2006 -the last time Congress reauthorized it. I applaud Gov. Schwarzengger for his approval of this bill!



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