Sunday, September 14, 2008

Why the Polls are Wrong!

I have said it before, and will continue to say it until this election cycle is over. The polls are wrong. Why? Simple. No one is going to admit that they are not going to vote for a woman or an african american. I have had the privilege of traveling a fair portion of this country and one thing is clear to me - racists still exist and chauvinistic people still exist. When you couple the sex and race factor with the growing number of Americans who have moved away from landline based phones it can only lead to one conclusion - the polls are not an accurate representation of the American pulse.

Update: I do not know where CNN found this guy (or how drunk he was) but this just reinforces what I was saying about the race/sex divide that still exists in this country.

Transcript: "Well honestly I am an old southern boy - and I just don't know if I can see a black man making a change. The only black man I have seen with change has had a cup of it."


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