Wednesday, September 3, 2008


A second lawsuit seeking class-action status was filed this week against Apple - this new suit arises right after the data outages reported on Wednesday - apparently portions of Chicago, DC, Boston, and St. Louis were without data service for an unspecified period of time. According to AT&T's support line a "routing issue" in the Northeast region caused the problem.

Quoting now from
"William Gillis, who filed a lawsuit late last week. In his 18-page complaint, Gillis -- a retired Chicken of the Sea executive -- alleges that AT&T's network is not strong enough to support the millions of iPhone 3G users, and therefore the handset is not performing as advertised, according to Michael Ian Rott, Gill's attorney.

"The bottom line is iPhone 3G users are not getting what has been represented to them," Rott said in a phone interview. "[The iPhone 3G] is kind of like a Dragster: A Dragster can go 500 miles an hour, but you only have a short amount of track space so you'll never reach that 500 miles per hour.... Similarly the 3G iPhone isn't working to the specifications Apple represented."

I must admit that my data service has been acting up this week - especially on Sunday when I returned to D.C. from Chicago. My Palm Treo used to act the same way - whenever I traveled it would seemingly take about an hour to get 'reoriented' with the local area. I chalked it up to 'reorientation' but apparently the data problem affected more people than just me.

To Read More Details on the Apple iPhone Suit CLICK HERE



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